
Friday 18 September 2009

Most shameless politician

The world’s most shameless politician is Armando Ciabbatta of Italy. While being interviewed on national television in 1978 on charges of corruption, he reacted to a question he didn’t like by bribing the interviewer, Toni Moccietto while still on camera. When the interviewer refused the money, Ciabbatta demanded, “That’s not enough? Well tough, I’ve been spending too much money buying votes to waste it on the likes of you!”

Toni Moccietto photographed as Armando Ciabbata stormed out of the studio, photographed by robertgaal.

©2009 James Mathurin

Monday 14 September 2009

Worst ever hiring policy

The worst ever hiring policy of a business was adjudged by the DeToille business school to be that of International Patio Heaters inc. who, during the summer of 1996, only employed people if they had “business-oriented surnames.” They abandoned the policy after one of their deliverymen changed his name from Paul Goodsock to William Outsidethebox and was immediately promoted to Director of Human Resources, whereupon he doubled the salaries of the other deliverymen.

Outsidethebox, née Goodsock, leaving work for the last time, after being sacked for misappropiation of resources. An anonymous source suggested that he had actually been fired for "taking the piss." Photo by Ihuiz.

©2009 James Mathurin