
Tuesday 24 February 2009

The largest number of phones to explode in one house in one year

The largest number of phones to explode in one house in one year is 24, in 1997. It was in the house of Mary Davies, a resident of Columbus, Ohio. She told her local news channel, “A lot of people have said it was because of my pet Bush Baby, Bronson, marking them as his territory, but I think this is how angels communicate with us.”

Bronson, pictured in his habitat, which is now required by local ordnance to be kept at least 15 metres from any telephonic device. Photo courtesy of Eggybird

©2009 James Mathurin

Fights in a pre-match boxing press conference

The most number of fights to break out in a pre-match boxing press conference was 17, before a 1999 bout in London between Clarence ‘Badger Baiter’ McFadden and Jimbo ‘Peter’ Thatchell. Because of the promoter’s insistence that the conference be finished, it eventually lasted 1 hour and 44 minutes, although by the end, all but 3 members of the press had evacuated the conference hall. A further 31 fights broke out as the players returned to their hotel. Thatchell’s manager, Moses Jones, said, “with hindsight, we knew there was bad blood between the boys after one of Jimbo’s mates sold Badger’s mum a dodgy amplifier, so getting them adjoining rooms was a silly mistake on my part.”

Manager Moses Jones is led to meet Clarence ‘Badger Baiter’ McFadden's mother to offer her a new amplifier as a 'peace offering'. Photo by fredcamino.

©2008 James Mathurin

Kangaroo lapping an inflatable Kit-Kat

The world record for the largest number of laps by a kangaroo around a giant inflatable Kit-Kat is 754. It was set in a 12-hour stint by ‘Handsome Marvin’, a kangaroo owned by Dirk Foscombe, of New South Wales, Australia, on June 15th 2000. The record was unintentionally caught on camera by a local news crew, who were present to film the giant balloon, a star attraction at the Dirthump Town Fair. Mister Foscombe said, “Of course I’m chuffed that Handsome Marvin is a world record holder, but I’m well out of pocket. I hired that Kit-Kat myself, and only a couple of kiddies got on it before Marvin started circling it.” Asked why his kangaroo had done such a thing, Mr. Foscombe could only say, “His eyesight’s not that great. Maybe he thought it was Digger, my sheepdog who died last year. I’ve tried to explain it to Marvin, but he just can’t let him go.”

Marvin, pictured with owner Dirk Foscombe, on holiday in Europe in 2001. Picture courtesy of travisreitter
©2009 James Mathurin