
Monday 7 January 2013

The most sensationalist headline

The most sensationalist headline was “MACHETE FRENCHMAN TAKES QUEEN’S EAR!” It was published in the Tadworth Cavalier newspaper on 11th July 1987, when a photographer for the paper took a photograph of a French exchange student cutting corn with a knife in a field owned by the Royal family.
Dominic Garsteau, the French student who was implicated in the piece, posing for a photograph that accompanied an interview in the Tadworth Bulletin, a local rival to the Tadworth Cavalier, where he said he had been unaware of his notoriety until he returned home to Toulouse, and found out several of his relatives had been organising support for a petition to the British Embassy, in case he was imprisoned as a result of a "British tabloid campaign of fear". Photograph by Capt' Gorgeous.
©2013 James Mathurin